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Run 1399 : 3 January 2004

Venue : Taman Melawati, Ulu Klang
Hare : Yap Bernard Chik Tin
Scribe : Colin Shepherd
Comic :

Directions: From KL head towards the Karak Highway , as though you are going to the Genting Highlands, passing through Batu Caves , Sri Gombak ect.

At the 13.8th km marker along the MRR2 (as you approach the toll plaza) , you will see Projet petrol station, McDonald's, Petronas and Burger King all in a cluster, on your left. Set your meter to 0.

Keep to the right and bear right and stay on the MRR2. DO NOT enter the Karak/Genting highway. At 2.4km you go through an underpass and emerge, with Petronas station on your right. Continue untill 3.4km;

there you will see an overhead pedestrian bridge. Turn left just before
the bridge. You are at the run site! HASH car WBP 1033

Direction 2:
From PJ , going anti clockwise on the MRR2, through to Pandan Indah, Ampang, Antarabangsa etc , you will pass Zoo Negara on your right at the 19th km marker on the MRR2. Set your meter to 0. Going up the 1st of a series of 3 flyovers, you'll see Giant Supermarket on your left.

Continue on the MRR2 untill 3.9 km. At the Petronas station immediately peel off to the left of the MRR2 ( do not turn into left junction ) , and go up the slip road/ramp. At the traffic light turn right and right again ( ie do a U-turn ) and head back the way you came. At 4.9km you'll see an overhead pedestrian bridge ( road marker 17.3 km ). Turn left just before the bridge. You are at the run site! HASH car WBP 1033.