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Run 1429 : 31 July 2004

Venue : Lembah Beringin
Hare : Ima Druba
Co-Hare : Wolfgang Druba
Scribe : Elaine Leong
Comic : Colin King
Directions : We have at the moment quite a number of runners, coming from the run, gulping down 2 soft drinks and a beer and then f@#kin off. This non-hashers should better go to a gym! For a true hasher the OnOn is an important part of the run. That Saturday, the OnOn is in Bkt Beruntung. Some fine dishes following traditional Chinese-German recipes with a touch of Malay spices will be served. Be there or else....{..on the ice...}
To go to the run you drive north on the highway, passing Rawang, Bkt Beruntung and exit at Lembah Beringin. During the boring drive think about a joke you may contribute later. We do not need the same clowns up on the box every Saturday. At the toll set your tripmeter to zero, drive 0,6 km and turn left over a bridge. At 2,2 km at a junction turn right. Enjoy the scenic drive through the typical landscape of a "Malaysia Boleh" project. After 9,0 km at the T-junction turn right. Watch out some cowshit on the road, drive slow through the Indian kampung. At 13.5 km turn left onto a gravel road, cross a steel bridge [...yes, Nar, it's solid!] and turn right onto the field for parking. Never been here before? True - it's a new area for PHHH: enjoy the run!