Venue : Menara Bangsar – Kuala Lumpur
Hare : Heartbreaker
Co-Hare : Mother Sheep
Scribe : Salim Dhalla
Comic : Emilia Charles
Directions : Menara Bangsar is at the Jalan Damansara end of Jalan Maarof. If approaching from Jalan Damansara, Menara Bangsar is the two grey towers on the left going up the hill towards Bangsar Shopping Centre (BSC). At traffic lights adjacent to BSC turn left and left again. If approaching from Jalan Bangsar end of Jalan Maarof, with BSC on your right turn right at traffic lights and immediately left.
There is no visitor parking inside Menara Bangsar. Parking is limited outside. There are designate parking bays which are OK and you should be all right at the bottom of the hill. If you park at the top of the hill in a non-designated bay – It could cost you. Parking meters have been introduced near BSC and the Police patrol regularly. Please park on one side of the road, away from Jalan Maarof. If it is full use the side road opposite Menara Bangsar Jalan Medan Senai (Entrance to Sri Penaga and Bangsar Putrie Condominims. We will congregate at the lower gate (Not the guard house)
The hares will aim for a slightly shorter run than usual. There will be the usual beverages and circle after the run. The ON ON will be at Menara Bangsar (Christmas fare) RM 50 for adults RM 25 children 5 and over inclusive of beer and wine for the adults. Please see Nan if you intend to come for the ON ON we must have names and numbers. If you fancy the ON On but not the run still see Nan and arrive at 2:00pm