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Run 1473 - 4th June 2005

Venue: Blue factory at Ampang Pecah
Hare : Yoong Nim Chee
Co-hares: Rambo Chan, Chris Tan
Fast Way via Bkt Beruntung
Go NSE, exit Bkt Beruntung and trip your meter at toll
0.4 turn right
1.9 turn left, signpost KKB/Rasa
3.5 turn right
4.3 turn left
8.3 turn left, signpost KKB/Rasa
10.9 leave Bkt Beruntung
20.0 go straight, pass Rasa junction
23.5 turn right, you are now on old N-S trunk road leading south
24.5 turn left signpost Frasers Hill **(Hashers using option 2 merge here)
26.5 turn right and immediately veer left on dirt road. Signpost Desa Rening Jaya
26.8 return to tarmac and park around uncompleted houses.

Slow Way via Btg Kali
Go pass Rawang, Serendah, Batang Kali, then Rasa using old trunk road.
About 1km after Rasa, look for right turn to Frasers Hill. Turn right and see ** above.

On On Directions

Restoran Tua Jui Thou - Batang Kali

Get back into the trunk road back to KL. At Batang Kali traffic light continue straight passing Police station and Pos Office. Restoran is 300 meters after traffic light.