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Run 1531 - 15th July 2006

Hare : Lee Seong Kim
Co-Hare : 2006 Sector 1 Hash Challenge Hares
Scribe: Dave Settergren
Comic: Choo Nai Kwong
Venue : Ulu Yam Lama

Directions :
Travel whichever way to Rawang. Go through Rawang and head up old Ipoh Road passing Serendah and milestone "IPOH 161"(approx 16km from Rawang). 400 meters after "IPOH 161" turn left at Furniture shop Homey and follow road at the back for another 1 km and park in rubber before farm. Bring mosquito repellant.

Note : If you pass by a big Supermarket on the right you have gone 200 meters, pass the turn off.

ON -ON Directions : PIEW KEE in Serendah Old Town
Drive back to main road and turn right for Rawang. Pass by the big golf ball and as you enter Serendah town turn left downslope at Panasonic/Sony sign(with Police station on right) and travel another 150 meters. Restoran is on left.