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Run 1536 - August 19 2006

Venue: Kg Batu 30 Just After Antara Gapi (Ulu Yam Lama)
Hare: Maureen Tong
Co-Hare: Rambo
Scribe:Graham Davidson

Travel whichever way to Rawang. Go through Rawang and head up old Ipoh Road passing Serendah, the big Golf Ball and Antara Gapi and 500 meters after "IPOH 162"(approx 14km from Rawang) turn left and park

ON ON - Piew Kee Serendah
Directions : Drive back to Serendah passing big golf ball, Caltex, traffic
light and Serendah sign. 300 meters after Serendah sign turn left(with
Police Station on right) and drive for another 150 meters. Restaurant is on
Note : If you pass a Shell station you have gone 200 meters too far.