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Run 1552 - December 9 2006

Hare: Patsy Yap
Location: Vicinity Serendah
Scribe: Linda van Dijk
Comic: Robin Cox


Drive up North-South Highway towards Ipoh and exit at Rawang.
Zero Trip at Rawang Toll and head towards Rawang:

3.4 km Continue straight ahead onto Rawang bypass following signs to Ipoh.
3.9 km Turn right at Round-a-bout and continue along bypass following signs to Ipoh.
4.9 km Go straight through lights and continue north towards Ipoh.
9.9 km BP station on left side at traffic lights – go straight.
13.4 km Serendah Golf Resort on right side (Big Golf Ball at entrance) – go straight.
14.8 km Signpost for Ladang Sg. Gapi – go straight and at….
15 km Turn left for Ladang Sg. Gapi and follow HHH signs.

Follow the road round to the left and over a railway line. Turn right before the main estate entrance back on yourself to runsite.

Highly Recommended Alternate Route: Due to very heavy traffic congestion in Rawang the following alternate route is highly recommended.

• Take NKVE north and do not exit at Rawang.
• Take the next exit which is Beruntung – Exit 118 (another mere 15 km up the NKVE).
• Trip at the Toll.
• Turn right at the stop light – which sometimes is in operation and sometimes not.
• Stand on this main road for 10.8 km until you reach the stop light in Sg. Choh where the road ends at a T intersection.
• Turn left and proceed about 7.7 km to runsite. Watch for Hash Signs just after the giant golf ball.

Ladies, while this route may be slightly longer – it will definitely be quicker and cause much less strain and stress on the big handsome front runner that brings you to the hash each week. It is a very nice quiet pleasant drive through a kampong area of Malaysia. It will give you an opportunity to “bond” with the handsome front runner and have further discussions about how fat your soon to be delivered Ang Pow needs to be.

Another Alternate:

Go to Batu Caves, take the Dam Road up to Ulu Yam, go to the old Ipoh trunk road and go south towards Kuala Lumpur. When you reach the giant golf ball make a U-turn and go to the runsite.

Sorry but my lazy boyfriend will not be placing any hash signs coming from the north.

On On,
