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Run 1582 - 07 July 2007

Hare: An American
Co-Hare: A Canadian
Assistants: More Americans and Canadians
Venue: Ladang Sungai Gapi
Scribe: Yoong Choy Kwan
Comic: Nan Kanagasabai


Drive up North-South Highway towards Ipoh and exit at Rawang.
Zero Trip at Rawang Toll and head towards Rawang:

3.4 km Continue straight ahead onto Rawang bypass following signs to Ipoh.
3.9 km Turn right at Round-a-bout and continue along bypass following signs to Ipoh.
4.9 km Go straight through lights and continue north towards Ipoh.
9.9 km BP station on left side at traffic lights – go straight.
13.4 km Serendah Golf Resort on right side (Big Golf Ball at entrance) – go straight.
14.8 km Signpost for Ladang Sg. Gapi – go straight and at….
15 km Turn left for Ladang Sg. Gapi and follow HHH signs.

The Hares suggest the alternative route to avoid the heavy traffic congestion in Rawang due to construction:

Continue up the toll road and exit at Beruntung.
After the toll turn right.
Proceed for approximately 10 kilometers to Sungai Choi.
Turn left at stop light in Sungai Choi.
Pass BIG Golf Ball and watch for hash signs.
Left turn into Sungai Gapi Estate.X IS MID-CURVE
About 200m from fork
Follow guards directions to PARTY!