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Run 1595 - Oct 6 2007

Hare: Christopher Boyd
Co-Hare: -
Venue: Sungai Gapi Estate
Scribe: Herr Knut
Comic: Klaus G

Take the north - south Highway and head north towards Ipoh.
Turn off at the Rawang intersection.
Head towards Rawang town, taking the new little by-pass that skirts the south of Rawang and brings you out onto the old trunk road heading north towards Ipoh.
Pass through Sungei Choh and Serendah towns.
Set your tripmeter at the big white golf ball that sits on the right hand side of the road outside the Serendah Golf and Country Club.
Look left for signs " Ladang Sungei Gapi."
Turn left at the SECOND such sign when your tripmeter should read 1.8 km.
Drive over the new flyover across the electrified railtrack and immediately do a U turn right and park near the Indian temple which is almost under the flyover. Do NOT drive straight ahead into Sungei Gapi Estate."