Hare: Jagjit Singh
Co-Hare: Dennis Chin & Rainbow
Venue: Serendah (opp Antara Gapi)
Scribe: Yeo Mei Fong
Comic: Klaus Gehlhaar
Travel whichever way to Rawang. Go through Rawang and head up old Ipoh Road passing Serendah, the big Golf Ball and Antara Gapi and just before "IPOH 163"turn left and then immediately left. Set trip meter to zero. At 0.4km pass Green Autoair factory on right and continue on pebble road. At 1.4 km pass brick factory on left and at 1.8km turn right and park on grass land.
ON ON - Piew Kee Serendah
Directions : Drive back to Serendah. 300 meters after 2nd Serendah sign turn left(with Police Station on right) and drive for another 150 meters. Restoran is on left.
Note : If you pass a Shell station you have gone 200 meters too far.