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Run 1644 - 13 Sept 2008

Hare: Mary Morss
Co-Hares: Nick Morss, Colin Hercus
Venue: Rasa
Scribe: Alvin Chah
Comic: Aileen D

The quick and expensive way (recommended +/- 50mins from Jalan Duta tolls)
Take the North South Highway north in the direction of Ipoh.
Exit at junction 118 Bukit Buruntung and set trip meter to zero at the toll
0.3 km turn right at T junction
1.7 km turn left at Mobil station. Sign posted Rasa & Kuala Kubu Baru.
3.2 km turn right at T Junction
4.0 km turn left at T Junction. Sign posted Rasa
4.5 km left hand bend and water tower
5.9 km right hand bend
7.7 km turn left at T junction. Sign posted Rasa.
Continue driving through housing estates admiring houses available for immediate occupancy.
18.4km Turn left of Rasa Road. (If you reach Rasa you've gone 1km too far)
There's an old workshop, and a steel bridge crossing the river at this junction. It's also first Hash Sign.
Cross the steel bridge and take road on right (Hash Sign)
Park at 19.6k in old quarry, Hares car will be there.

The cheap and slow way (+/- 1½ hours dependent on heavy lorries)
Take Jalan Kuching North on to the old Ipoh road and drive past Templer Park, Rawang, Serendah etc. Go thru the traffic lights in Batang Kali (Milestone Ipoh 158km).
Approx 4km after Batang kali lights turn left into Pekan Rasa, reset trip meter.
Proceed to Rasa Kampung, going under the railway line and thru the village.
1.3km take left towards Bkt Beruntung
2.7km Turn right off bitumen towards run site. This corner will be have Hash Sign.
There's an old workshop, and a steel bridge crossing the river at this junction.
Cross the steel bridge and take road on right (Hash Sign)
Park at old quarry.

ON ON - Restoran 218. Serendah
Directions :
Drive out of run site and turnleft towards Rasa.
Drive thru Rasa and turn right towards Rawang.
Proceed to Serendah.
At traffic lights at BHP petrol station reset trip meter.
At 300 meters turn right and drive for another 600Meters.

Note : If you reach the traffic light at Sg Choh you have gone too far.