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Run 1704 - 7th November 2009

Venue: Batang Kali Estate (Ulu Yam)
Hare: John 'Big Job' Brown (a glutton for punishment!), before his motorbike trip
Co-Hare: Russell 'Crusty Nuts' Jones
Scribe: Roberto Guerra
Comic: Mike Hawkins

Go via Batu Caves to take the dam road to Ulu Yam and:
0 km In the center of Ulu Yam Turn to Right at sign post for Genting Highlands
1.7 km Turn Right on to gravel road (HHH sign). If you go through cross road or past Old Lucky Lite you've gone to far!
2.0 km Park in grassy area to right of gravel road

Or go via Rawang and Serendah:
0 km Traffic Light in Batang Kali with Police Station on right & directly before the bridge over the river. Turn Right
4.2 km Cross Roads with sign to Genting & Old Lucky Lite resteraunt. Go Straight
4.35 km Gravel road on Left (HHH sign). Turn onto gravel road.
4.4 km Park in grass area on right of gravel road.

** Gravel road is a bit rough but OK. Our Proton Iswara made it up and down 3 times with NO GROUNDING!!

On On
Old Lucky Lite Restaurant
Back down gravel road. At intersection of gravel road with Ulu Yam road turn right.
400 yards at cross roads Turn Left then immediately Turn Right into Old Lucky Lite car park

[ No, John wasn't given a ten-weeker for his last run - he just had so many run sites in his head that he wanted to set another one, before he (and his missus) disappear for a year... ]