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Run 1707 - 28th November 2009

Hare: Wolfgang Druba
Location: Ladang Sungei Jernih, near Kerling
Co-Hare: Herr Knut
Sweeper: David 'Heartbreaker' (just like his unofficial role on 14th Nov)
Scribe: Dan Percival
Comic: Richard Thompson


We are going to Tambahan Hutan Rizab N 3 33.699 / E 101 35.087

On NKVE head north and switch on your speed control to 150 kph..
Forget about jams in Rawang or construction at Gombak..
Slow down at the Lembah Beringin exit.
Set tripmeter to 0 at toll.
At 0.6km turn left.
At 2.2 (junction) turn right.
At 9.1km turn right at T junction
At 11.7 turn left into parking. (Jimmy, if you got miles on your odo, you better change the car.)

To help our GM to save his speech before the run: we are running on white square paper as per DIN 89hh33 with a PHHH logo printed on. A check will be marked with a bunch of those papers. Once the new trail is found, please call OnOn. Who is running with the hash first time, just remember: there are times in life where you are responsible for yourself. This run is one of those times!
And Dan P., if you dont see any papers, you are lost. Go to the estate manager's house and expect rescue not before we finished our dinner - OK?