Venue: Genting Valley (abandoned housing / golf development)
Hare: Aileen D
Co-Hare: Dave Wilson
Scribe: Cliffena Ward
Comic: Sue Chan
Same site as the AGM and Torchlight runs.
For GPS-onauts try this :- N3 27.891 E101 40.947
From KL Proceed to Batang Kali via North-South highway, Rawang / Bukit Beruntung and Serendah.
When you reach Batang Kali on the old Ipoh Road, pass the police station on your right and then turn right at the traffic lights, towards Genting Highlands.
Go through the traffic light junction(s), until you reach a crossroads (without traffic lights) with a left turn towards Genting Highlands.
This is the famous "Old Lucky Light" cross-roads - approx half way between Ulu Yam Baru and Batang Kali.
Set-your trip meter and turn left towards Genting Highlands.
(you can also use the Batu Dam road: go into Ulu Yam, and then turn right to reach the "Old Lucky Light" cross-roads from the opposite direction (about 2km from Ulu Yam town centre).
Set your trip-meter at the cross-roads and proceed towards Genting. At roughly 2km take first left at major junction sign-posted "Genting Valley". (This road also takes you back to the Ulu Rening junction & Batang Kali).
Drive along winding back road for approx 2km passing sand quarry on right and oil palms on left and right. At approx 2.5 kms, turn right into abandoned Genting Valley Housing Development.
Parking will be just before the bridge on the right-hand side where hare's car WPY9111 is weather permitting. Sign posted. Otherwise it will be the usual spot where all parked for the TL run.
This site is closer to the river.
Bring lotsa mozzie repellant (I was engulfed by these little buggers despite the repellant).