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Run 1812- 03 December 2011

Run-site: Ulu Yam / Serendah (Before Chicken Farm)
Hare: Tommy Chin
Co-Hares: Rambo & Co
Scribe: Ajar
Comic: Bee leng

Tommy's Birthday run

Head North through Rawang and Serendah, along the old Ipoh Road. Pass the big Golf Ball and Antara Gapi and then to Milestone "IPOH 160km". Go 400 metres more, to HASH Sign. Make a Left turn into a short stretch of dirt road leading to an unfinished warehouse. Park snugly so more of us can park under shelter. Same runsite as " St George's" day run and "Gawai" run earlier this year.

Alternative (longer but can be faster): Take NS Expressway to Bukit Beruntung exit. After toll, turn right at T junction, drive to Sungai Choh. Turn left at traffic light on old trunk road to Ipoh. At Km 160 follow other directions as above.

There will be 2 run lengths. There will be a NORMAL Run and a LONG run. The NORMAL run will follow normal PH3 paper at the beginning and then it will change to TRIANGULAR paper. It will later join back the normal PH3 paper. The LONG run will follow PH3 paper all the way.

On On:
Ask Tommy !