Run-site: Genting Valley aka "The Bridge Too Far"
Hares:Lisa Yong
Co-Hares: Patrick Russell & Rick Foyston
Scribe:Geannie Yap
Comic: Peter "Snufflelofagus" Cann
From KL Proceed to either
1. Batang Kali via NSE & Rawang OR
2. Ulu Yam Baru via Batu Caves and reservoir road.
From either, follow signs for Genting Highlands. At the famous "Old Lucky Light" cross-roads approx half way between Ulu Yam Baru and Batang Kali set-trip meter and turn right (if coming from Ulu Yam) or left ( if coming from Batang Kali) towards Genting Highlands.
Proceed towards Genting from X-roads. @2km and take first left at major junction sign-posted "Genting Valley". (This road also takes you back to Batang Kali via Ulu Rening & Ulu Tamu junction).
Follow HHH signs and proceed along winding back road for @2km passing sand quarry on right and oil palms on left and right. @ approx 3kms look on right hand side for abandoned pondok-hut at entrance to Genting Valley housing development.
Turn in past Pondok and park on either side of bridge. Please leave bridge itself free for beer wagon & etc. For non-runners & ankle-biters there is easy-ish access to a"new' beach by the river on the left hand side before you cross the bridge. Some sand-mining activities here.
A scenic run with all the usual ingredients. Not too long.
ON-ON will be at the new "Lucky Light" in Batang Kali. Return to Batnag Kali X-roads & traffic lights. New Lucky Light is adjacent to Shell Station facing main road. Best lemon-chicken in the country and possibly the world. Also sweet & sour and other gweilo delicacies!