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Run 1854 - 22nd September 2012

Run-site: Hulu Tamu, Genting Valley
Hares: Gordon Phillips
Co-Hares: Matthew & Cliffena
Scribe: Cheah Chiang Siong
Comic: Maria Galindon


GPS Coordinates: N3 28' 12.0" E101 41' 21.4" or N3 28.199" E101 41.358"

Make your way to Rawang, and onto the North bound KL/Ipoh trunk road.
Pass Serendah and at traffic lights to Batang Kali township, set trip
meter to zero and turn right for Genting Highlands.

@ 1.9 km turn left at the new traffic lights in Batang Kali (Shell Petrol Station on the right hand side)
@ 3.3 km left turn again
@ 5.4 km turn right at Kolam Panas sign (TN Sub station on the right partly hidden by the undergrowth)
Go over wooden bridge and Turn left at 5.9 km into run site


Turn right out of run site, back over the wooden bridge to T intersection and turn left.
@ 2.6 km turn left following sign to Genting Highlands and Hulu Kali
@ 5.6 km turn right
@ 7.7 km you will come to a crossroad, go straight across and restaurant is immediately on your right.