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Run 2022 - 12 Dec 2015

Venue: Ulu Yam (Antara Gapi)
Hares: Andy Low
Co-Hares: Lai Foo Weng
Scribe: Frank Wijnands
Comic: Reid Cooper


GPS: N3 25.052, E101 39.138

1- Get yourself to Batu Caves via DUKE highway, Jln Kuching (exit big roundabout) or MRR2
2-Go through Batu Caves town and at the traffic lights sign posted Hulu Yam turn right
3- Continue on this road roughly 6 kms then turn right (sign posted Hulu Yam). Trip odometer to 0 here if you like.
4- Now you're on the old dam road to Hulu Yam (road B23).
5- Follow this winding road for about 20+ km enjoying the scenery
6- Keep track of the milestones: slow down when you spot the 4 km Hulu Yam
7- Notice the big school on your left and long sweeping curve of road ahead
9- Slow down and indicate for sharp left turn, signposted for Antara Gapi. Hash sign should be present.
10-Follow new road for approx 2km, runsite on your LEFT.

1- Take NKVE direction Ipoh
2- Exit Rawang toll, turn right towards Rawang town
3- Take bypass towards Serendah, Batang Kali
4- Follow road towards Batang Kali.
5- At Sungai Choh set trip meter to 0
6- Continue past milestone 164
7- At 10.1km (Antara Gapi) turn right onto new road (curvy "6" at the entrance). Hash sign should be present.
8- at 13km to 14km runsite is on your RIGHT (CHECK HASH SIGN)

Restoran 218, Serendah
Drive back to Serendah and exit. At traffic lights at BHP petrol station reset trip meter. After 300 meters turn right and drive for another 600 Meters. Restaurant is on the right. If you reach the traffic light at Sg Choh you have gone too far.