Venue: Putrajaya Equestrian Club, Precinct 5
Hare: Rose Yusoff
Co-Hares: Sen, Jason & Adeline
Scribe: Stefan Sanders
Comic: Maria
GPS Approx: N2.896176 E101.684749
Get yourself on MEX Expressway E20
At the Putrajaya Toll Plaza, mark 0 km
At 0.3 km, take left at Exit 2005
At 3.2 km, take left
At 6.9 km, take left at Exit 7
At 8.5 km, take left
Keep straight and pass through 3 traffic lights
At 10.4 km, take left and look for PH3 signs
On-On Dengkil Seafood Restaurant
Mark 0 km from run site, turn left at T-Junction
Take left again after 0.1 - 0.2 km
After 2nd traffic lights, take right
At approximately 3.5 km, take left
4.2 km take left again, and you are now at Dengkil
Drive for another 3.8 kms to restaurant
Note: This is a special celebration run with freebies and food etc. Guest/Visitor fee is RM 65 & Guest kids pay RM15 with no freebie.