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Run 2119 - 21 October 2017

Venue: Ladang Guru Nanak (Serendah)
Hare: John Lavelle
Co-Hares: Selected Set of Superbly Sculptured athletes
Scribe: Rajesh Gill
Comic: Pang

To ensure that we “LIVE up” to expectations we will start setting the run LATE.


GPS: Approx N3.410002 E101.627093

Waze: Taman Tasik Teratai, then turn right off main road approx 350m further on.

- Find your own way to Sungai Choh north of Rawang
- Suggested fastest route: Exit N-S highway at junction 117, Sungai Buaya, set trip meter at toll.
- Turn left onto route 1208 towards Serendah
- At T junction turn right towards Sungai Choh, 6.5km
- At T junction turn left onto route 1 towards Serendah
- Proceed 8km, through Serendah, total 15.1 from toll
- 350m past Taman Tasik Teratai turn right at road sign to Ladang Guru Nanak.
- The road cuts back to the left across a bridge over the railway line
- Park before the Ladang barrier, allow for the occasional heavy vehicle to get through.

On On: Restoran 218, Serendah

- Drive back through Serendah
- Continue through the traffic lights with BHP on right hand side
- 300 meters past BHP, turn right and drive for another 600 meters.
- Turn right to the restaurant