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RUN No: 2351 JM's run .... Halloween !!!
Date: 2023-10-28
Venue: Emville
Hare: Bee Leng
Co-Hare(s): Francesco and Frank
Scribe: Elisabeth Laubel

GPS: 2.861306, 101.767834
Emville ---
reach the Sugai Besi Plaza toll (E37/E9) and set your trip meter to 0

- Proceed south for about 15/16 km until the exit 212A Southville
- from the toll proceed for 1 km until the T junction, at that traffic light turn right
- drive for 2 km and turn right at the Bukit Ungul Golf Club roundabout.
- Take the first exit to the left, towards the Kampung
- keep driving on the same road for 4.5 km, thru the whole Kampung and speed bumps to reach Emville and the run site.
- (REMINDER: please drive slowly thru the Kampung, many children on the road and residents will also complain)

On On and halloween party is at Bukit Gita Bayu (3.005492, 101.732628) house address given with registration.
All cars must be pre-registered with BeeLeng or Kojak.
The party is BYOB. Bring your own Beer/Wine. Ice available to keep things cold. There is a pool, bring your stuff.
DO REGISTER YOUR CAR to get in the compound !!!!