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RUN No: 2249
Date: 2021-11-13
Venue: Antara Gapi
Hare: Iris Klehenz
Co-Hare(s): The 'toilet seat' team
Scribe: David Jenkins

GPS: 3.422539, 101.635873
Make your way to Serendah via the North South Expressway or the Rawang bypass.
- From the Serendah Police Station, continue on Route 1 for approximately 7.3km passing Serendah Golf Resort and the Ladang Guru Nanak turnoff before coming to a traffic light intersection.
- Turn right at the traffic lights into Persiaran Antara Gapi and continue for 300 meters.
- Turn right into Jalan Antara Gapi 2a and continue for about 150 meters
- Turn left into Jalan Gapi 2b and follow the road for 1km to the runsite

Nothing planned