Unlike hash chapters in many other parts of the world, Malaysian Law requires that we are formally registered as a 'Society' with the Malaysian Registrar of Societies, the 'ROS'. Without such registration, our runs could be classified as 'illegal gatherings' which would render us all susceptible to arrest and detention! We therefore cannot take our existence for granted and must abide by the rules and regulations set by the ROS. The minutieae are dealt with on a day to day basis by the committee who must observe the requirements set out in our constitution, which you can view here: PH3 Constitution
Petaling Hash House Harriers is a mixed (ladies, gents, locals & expats) group of people who run for fun and socialise. We have more than 200 adult members (approx. 55%M & 45%F) with at least 100 members and 20 - 25 guests running every week. We enjoy running in natural surroundings every Saturday afternoon somewhere within a reasonable distance from Kuala Lumpur. Usually runs are in the Klang Valley and rural Selangor, but occasionally we do venture further afield for 'outstation' runs. There are refreshments available after the run, and dinner is held afterwards in a local restaurant close to the run site or occasionally, at the runsite itself.
Each week the run is held at a different place, offers different terrain and as a result hashers see far more places than they would otherwise in the region. Each run lasts about one to two hours depending on the hares (the individuals who set the run) but there are "checks", "false trails" and "back checks" which allow slower runners and walkers to catch up with the rest of the pack. If you join as a member, which you may after completing four runs as a guest, you will be obliged and required to set a run within the first 6-12 months of joining and thereafter approximately once every 2-3 years. This is your responsibility, but you can enlist the help of other experienced "hares" to assist you.
We welcome anyone who wants to come along to run as a guest: Malaysians, expatriates, visitors or other hash chapter's members. Our 6km to 12km trails are usually in rubber and palm oil estates, secondary and (what little remaining) primary jungle and include some hills or slopes, rivers, uneven terrain and so forth. A good pair of trail running shoes and adequate clothing are necessary.
We expect that you should be in good health, be of appropriate fitness for the manner in which you intend to undertake the run, to be aware of the potential pitfalls, hazards and dangers which you may be faced with during the course of the event, and to be fully responsible for your own health and safety.
A note to parents: Children are welcome to run with us, but they MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian who will remain responsible for their well-being and safety. Petaling Hash will not be responsible for any loss or injury sustained by any child during the course of the event.
The run starts promptly at 4:30pm every Saturday (rain or shine) and directions to the run site are posted on the website one to two weeks before.
The current guest/visitor fees are shown on the 'About' 'Membership' page and is inclusive of refreshments after the run. Typically, 100-120 people attend each run.
Between the two World wars in the year 1938, a British Officer named A.S. GISPERT stationed at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia founded the 'Hash House Harriers', also known as 'Mother Hash'. The 'Hash House' was so named because of the frequent serving of 'Hash' (a stew usually comprising corned beef and potatoes) to the many expatriate bachelors residing in the Selangor Club Chambers.
The initial runs were from the Selangor Club and through the vast rubber estates on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur. The Hash House hosted many of the post-run gatherings, some of which were rather noisy.
Hashing stopped during World War II (Japanese occupying forces being notoriously opposed to civilian fun), but came back to life in the post-war years and spread slowly through Singapore; Australia; New Zealand; and then exploded in popularity during the late 70s and early 80s. Today there are many Hash House Harrier clubs in all parts of the world, with newsletters, directories, and regional and world hashing gatherings (every 2 years sees the 'InterHash' which is a meeting of more than 4000 runners).
In 1946, 'Torch' Bennet re-established the Kuala Lumpur Hash House Harriers (KLH3) and started counting the number of runs and hence emerged a host of Hash paraphernalia announcing the run number and sponsor of the day: T-shirts, head band, singlets, shorts, towels, etc. Hashing has spread worldwide such that there are now well over 3,000 chapters in approximately 160 countries, many with their own websites, newsletters, directories, and regional and world hashing conventions.
The Hash Run.
The runs are based on the “hare and hounds” or paper-chase, popular in England in the mid-1800’s. a designated team of “hares’ set the run by marking a trail with cut or shredded paper and chalk powder. The pack follows the trail at a respectful distance and when seeing a marker shouts of “On On immediately echo through the air. Hares are expected to mislead the pack by tricking them into following false trails, slow down the front runners by having checks and back check as to encourage those with a slower pace to emerge at the front of the pack.
Hashing is a very social activity (recreational, cross-country running for fun and drinking for joy) The primary goal to have good exercise together, socialise and to have a few beers or softies after the run along with plenty of laughs.
The runs are followed by a circle (post-run celebrations) with various announcements and for those who are ‘honoured’ or punished with a mug of liquid refreshment which they have to drink or is worn (poured on their heads) while a song is sung for them by the other hashers.
The meet is brought to an end by announcing the location of a close by restaurant where members will meet for dinner and more fun. At the On On, everyone is expected to pay his-her own food and drinks (at a very reasonable rate, usually between RM 20 and RM 30). The mob disperses after dinner unless a triple On is announced - more fun at a local venue.